470th programme of the GNF - Miyawaki Forest Creation

470th programme of the GNF - Miyawaki Forest Creation


470th programme of the Global Nature Foundation (GNF)

Today, on August 8, 2020, the District Rotary 3000 organised a special webinar meeting through Zoom for their Miyawaki Forest Creation Dr. Naveen Krishnan, the President of GNF, was the chief guest and explained the role of biodiversity in our eco system. He emphasised and shared his experiences in his forest creation method (NAVIN’s INTEGRATED RAPID AFFORESTATION METHOD). The Special Project Chairman, Rtn. RBS. Mani, Rtn.S.Ashoke Periyasamy, the District Chairman , Rtn.P.Balasundaram, the Regional Co Ordinator, and the Asst. Governors, Rtn.A.Ravichandran, and Rtn.M.Venkatesan, attended this webinar. Around 3000 trees were planted by Rotary Interact on the Miyawaki forest creation programme.

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