481st programme of the Global
Nature Foundation (GNF)
Today 22.09.2020, Dr.
Naveen Krishnan, the
President of GNF and a man of discovery, rescued a rat snake in Thuraiyur,
Trichy Dt and released it in its natural habitat. He gave a talk to the public,
raising awareness of identifying venomous and non-venomous snakes and
explaining why humans should protect snakes.
Tags : #உலகபாம்புகள்தினம் #worldsnakeday #snakesofinstagram #reptiles #bigfour #indiansnakes #snakemyths #poisonous #poisonussnake #nonpoison #nonpoisonoussnake #cobra #russelviper #sawscaledviper #crait #kingcobra #watersnake #seasnake #rescue #recuver #snakesofig #ballpython #cornsnakes #reptilesofinstagram #venom #snakes #cornsnakesofinstagram #ballpythons #rearfanged #finestreptiles #boigamelanota #boigadendrophila #boigadendrophilamelanota #gorgeous #reptilesofig #cornsnake #stunning #rearfangsofig #tatted #rearfangedvenomous #mangrovesnake #snake #mangrovesnakesofig #mangrovesnakes #boas #colubridae #catsnake #rattlesnake #follow #colubridsofinstagram #snakelovers #colubrid #kingsnake #snaketattoo #petsnake #snakeprint #snakepet #guccisnake #snakebitespiercing #snakebyte #westernhognosesnake #snakelove #snakeskinboots #instasnake #snakeselfie #cutesnake #snakelife #snakedrawing #snakersmurah #snakeskinprint #venomoussnakes #snakeboots #snakefeeding #californiakingsnake #snakepit #snakeshed #snakebreeder #gnf #globalnaturefoundation #naveenkrishnan
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