Miyawaki Forest

Miyawaki Forest


     Dr.Akira Miyawaki, the Japanese botanist and a plant ecology expert, invented this unique method of plantation.
     In Miyawaki method, multi-layered saplings are planted close to each other. This blocks sunlight from reaching the ground and prevents weeds from growing. Thus keeping the soil moist. The close cropping further ensures that the plants receive sunlight only from the top thus enabling them only to grow upwards than sideways.
            They dug a three feet deep trench, then tested the soil after that and used mulching to improve its fertility. Finally, they added a mixture of rice straw, Vermicomposting, biomass compost, coco peat, husk, hay, and microorganisms to improve the soil quality included.
      A plantation bed is made by these materials and two to five saplings are planted per square meter. These saplings can grow up to a 20-feet tree in just two years.
The Miyawaki method also follows plantation in layers.
     The first layer has shrubs which grow up to ten feet. The second layer includes trees that grow up to 25 feet. The third layer of trees grows up to 25-40 feet and the final layer forms canopies that grow beyond 40 feet.
     The effectiveness of the Miyawaki method reflects in how this ‘potential natural vegetation’ concept, regardless of soil and climatic conditions have helped to create more than 3,000 forests over the world
     The method allows us to create a forest space within a short period of 20 to 30 years. In comparison, a conventional forest can take anywhere up to 200 to 300 years to develop.
     Also, these forests are grown using Miyawaki technique grows 10 times faster and 30 times denser. They boast of having 30 times better carbon dioxide absorption capacity, 30 times reduce noise pollution, dust reduction ability, and 30 times greener surface area as compared to a monoculture plantation.
“We do not use chemicals and chemical fertilizers. This ensures that we grow a 100% native, organic and 100-year-old forest in just 10 years.
Another benefit of this method is that a Miyawaki forest, after two years of plantation, becomes self-sufficient and does not rely on any external maintenance. These dense forests not only help retain groundwater but also recharge groundwater tables, support local biodiversity to increase green cover and curb air pollution. 
     Global Nature Foundation  have planted 3000 tree saplings by Miyawaki method at Naveen Garden in Krishnapuram, Musiri TK.  5 species of native trees have been planted in single pit. 

We are going to plant tree saplings in 600 pits in Miyawaki method. Each pit will be planted with different 5 species of Native tree saplings. The expense of each pit is Rs.400/- include field ploughing, Pit preparation, organic manure, drip irrigation, tree saplings and labour charges. Our Global Nature Foundation will have been continuing this project in the forth coming years also.    
     We need valuable Sponsors, Donors and Volunteers to make this project successful. 
Naveen Krishnan - +919842353713
Gowri Vasudevan - +917094014455
For your Donations and Contributions..
A/C Name: Global Nature Foundation
A/C No: 992738016         
Indian Bank
Valaiyeduppu Branch
MICR: 621019091 

A/C Name: Global Nature Foundation    A/C No: 1192135000002657
Karur Vysya Bank
Thathiengarpet Branch
IFSC: KVBL0001192
MICR: 721053002

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